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Lincoln, IL
Amtrak Station 101 N Chicago 62656-2707
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5 points of interest
3 hotels
1 car rental
Points of interest
Postville Courthouse State Historic Site
914 5th St Lincoln, IL 62656-2308
(0.5 mi NE)
(217) 732-8687 - Website
Reproduction of an 1840s-era courthouse where Abraham Lincoln practiced law.
Logan County Fairgrounds
409 N Jefferson Lincoln, IL 62656
(0.7 mi N)
(217) 732-3311 - Website
Site of county fair, balloon festival and railsplitting contest
Lincoln Heritage Museum
1115 Nicholson Rd Lincoln, IL 62656
(2.4 mi E)
(217) 735-7399 - Website
open Tuesday-Friday 9-4, Saturday 1-4. Closed Sunday and Monday. Free.
Lincoln Community High School
1000 Primm Rd Lincoln, IL 62656-3180
(2.4 mi SE)
(217) 732-4131 - Website
Heritage in Flight Museum
1351 Airport Rd Lincoln, IL 62656-5444
(4.3 mi NE)
(217) 953-4118 - Website
Aviation displays from all 20th century military conflicts and a flightline of static displays from helicopters to carrier jets.
Comfort Suites
130 Olson Dr Lincoln, IL 62656
2.5 mi NW
(217) 735-5800 - Website
Super 8
2809 Woodlawn Rd Lincoln, IL 62656-9774
2.5 mi NW
(217) 735-3960 - Website
Hampton Inn
1019 N Heitmann Dr Lincoln, IL 62656
2.7 mi NW
(217) 732-6729 - Website
Rent cars
1108 Capital Airport Dr Springfield, IL 62707-8411
(29 mi SW)
(217) 525-8820 - Website
Upcoming events
LCHS Graduation
May 10 Lincoln Community High School Auditorium, 1000 Primm Rd